CSUSM Cougar Baseball Players to Help MIT Fundraiser
Thank you to CSUSM Coach Dennis Pugh for sending a few Cougar baseball players to MIT’s Fix Up Our Fields Dine Out tonight at Boudin’s Bakery. Come out and support a local nonprofit baseball club and meet local college athletes. Cougar ball players will attend between 5 – 7 PM.
What: Nonprofit youth baseball organization MIT hosts Dine Out at Boudin’s Bakery to help raise money to Fix Up Our Fields!
When: Thursday, Oct. 18 from 3 to 9 p.m.
Where: 113 South Las Posas Road, San Marcos, CA 92078
How: Print and present THIS FLYER. When you dine in or take out, a portion of
your bill automatically goes back to MIT.
P.S. If you can’t join us for the Dine Out, but still want to help … you can donate directly to our cause using your online PayPal account. Donations of absolutely any amount are greatly appreciated and tax deductible. To donate, GO HERE.